Thursday, June 14, 2012

Live from Baltimore

I'd just about given up on blogging altogether, but here I am my second day in Baltimore, and I've been inspired to blog. Well not so much inspired but I figured it'd be a good way to occupy my time while I still get acquainted with the city. I'm eager to get to know Baltimore and the folks here and I'm sure that once classes begin next week, I'll be able to do so very easily. Until then in order to combat boredom I've decided to post some artwork. I plan on using these four images in a presentation I will be making on monday, as an introduction to my professors and classmates. It'll be one of those situations where I feel like I'm being judged, standing naked in a room of people that I don't know. Which, if you know me, really isn't that big of a deal since I enjoy taking my clothes off in front of people that I don't know. (I'm not really going to take my clothes off in front of these people. Not yet at least)

Grandma Death Chair

Nightmare 1

Nightmare 2
